Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Geographical and geoecological precondition and perspectives of creation on nature Park in the Perm region

2015. №3, pp. 28-33

Zaytsev Andrey A. - C.S. in Geography Associate Professor, Perm State University, 15 Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation,

The article substantiates the necessity of the creation of the natural Park in the Perm region. Shows the spatial characteristics of areal-3 natural park areas, which are located along the river valleys Usva, Chusovaya, Vishera - in a tributary of the Kama River. Flocked to the western slope of the Ural Mountains. Site selection is due to the optimum combination of the natural heritage and eco-tourism facilities. A comparative analysis of the natural environment areas. There was a difference in the geomorphology of areas, the hydrological regime of rivers, landscapes and showing climatic and soil faunal similarities territory. We consider the objects of natural (geological outcrops, karst, hydrological objects, rare and endangered species of biota) and the historical and cultural heritage represented in the study area. Analyzed the limitations associated with anthropogenic load and the likelihood of conflicts of nature, arising from the organization of protected areas. The information about the planned regeneration of the natural park.

Key words: природный парк, особо охраняемая природная территория, природные условия, объекты природного наследия, экологический туризм, природоохранное и рекреационное обустройство, Nature Park, specially protected natural area, natural conditions, natural propertie
