Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

For authors

The journal publishes the theoretical, review (of problem nature) and experimental and research articles on geology, geography, history of formation of these sciences, short reports and information on the new methods of experimental researches, and also the works covering the up-to-date technologies of prospecting and developing minerals etc. 

 The journal publishes the information on jubilee dates, new publications of the University Publishing House on geology and geography, the information on forthcoming and held scientific conferences, symposiums, congresses. 

 the journal "Geology, Geography and Global Energy" is included in the List of the conducting reviewed scientific journals and editions in which the main scientific results of theses on competition of an academic degree of the doctor and candidate of science have to be published on the field of science 25.00.00 "Earth Science".

Publication frequency is 4 times a year. The volume of publications: review articles – up to 1 printed sheets (16 pages), original articles – up to 0.5 printed sheets (8–10 pages), information on jubilee dates, conferences etc. – up to 0.2 printed sheets. 

 Article design. Editor Word Windows, type Times New Roman, 14, interlinear interval – 1, paper format A4; margins: left one – 2.5 cm, right one – 2.5 cm, upper and lower ones – 2.5 cm, break line – 1.27 cm, pagination is overhead to the right.

 The dimension of all units of measurement is in the size of SI; the names of chemical compounds are in accordance with the IUPAC recommendation. 

 Tables. Type Times New Roman, 10. The table width is 13 cm, a book turn. In the right corner there is word “Table” with serial number, through an interval – the title of the table (bold one, on centre, 10). 

 Formulae. Superlinear and interlinear indices – type Times New Roman, 11; mathematical symbols – type Times New Roman, 18; letters of the Greek alphabet – type Times New Roman, 14. The formulae should be typed without indention from the left edge.

 Photos, figures, diagrams, graphs, schemes are only black-and-white. The width of photos, figures, diagrams, graphs, schemes is no more than 13 cm.

We ask to send to the address of the editorial board: electronic and printed text of the article; enclose with the article the accompanying letter of the author’s supervisor with indication of full names, patronymic names and last names of the authors, scientific rank, post, names of chair, institution and also e-mail, contact phone numbers.

 Send the articles to e-mail: