Geology, geography and global energy
Scientific and Technical Journal
Features of geological hydrocarbon traps within groups raised the Astrakhan
2014. №2, pp. 22-32
Pykhalov Viktor V. - C.Sc. in Technical Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 26 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,
Golchikova Nadezhda N. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 26 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,
Konnov Dmitriy A. - Assistant, Astrakhan State Technical University, 26 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,
This article focuses on the geological structure of the Astrakhan group uplifts and related petroleum potential Bajocian deposits. Territory of Astrakhan group uplifts investigated mainly midrange seismic survey conducted at the end of the last century. This technique allows to detect only major structural complications (with an amplitude of more than 30 m), and only fragments of tectonic disturbances and displacement amplitude of more than 25 m. Drilling performed on a number of such uplifts showed negative results, which led to a sharp drop in the interest of oil companies to the territory in a question. After this, the study found that in general, the amplitude of the folds (anticlines) in the Meso-Cenozoic deposits does not exceed 40 m. Minimum amplitude of the identified structures was 15 m (Tinaki structure). SVR method has been mapped along the northern periphery of the elongated shaft Karakul region width on the order of one kilometer, characterized by the development of small-amplitude tectonic disturbances in the Meso-Cenozoic sediments. Such areas are classified as areas of disjunctive dislocations. Depth framing to the rise of these structures faulting exceeds the levels BHK that proves crucial to tectonic disturbances - as screens for potential hydrocarbon traps. Thus, with high probability we can assume that promising for the detection of hydrocarbon traps within the Astrakhan group uplifts are tectonically screened. In the process of justification search of hydrocarbons must be considered that the trap to the rise of layers should be limited tectonic disturbances, which are deposits on screen revolt layers.
Key words: Astrakhan group uplifts, Caspian Astrakhan, anticlinal structures, deposits, salt-dome tectonics, faultings, lineament, trap, screening, salt domes, Karpinsk boules, Астраханская группа поднятий, Астраханский Прикаспий, антиклинальные структуры, отложения
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