Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Dislocations of lateral compression in the cover of the Scythian-Turanian platform

2022. №1, pp. 32-39

Popkov Vasily I. - Doctor of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), professor, Kuban State University,

Popkov Ivan V. - РЎandidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy), Associate Professor, Kuban State University,

The conducted studies indicate a wide development of dislocations in the sedimentary cover of the Eastern Mangyshlak, formed in an environment of powerful tangential compression. In the Permo-Triassic complex of rocks, usually referred to the transitional complex of the young platform, the pre-thrust zones of rock crushing prevail, between which the deposits are poorly dislocated. Formed at the end of the Triassic, the thrusts remained mobile even at the actual plate stage of the territory's development, but the intensity of subsequent compressive stresses was lower. The latter was reflected in the morphology of platform dislocations, which are linear, asymmetric anticlines with a thrust. The development of fold-thrust dislocations was of an impulse nature: shortterm phases of activation of movements, accompanied by deformation and erosion of previously accumulated sediments, alternate with longer pauses of relative tectonic rest. Some dislocations remain mobile at the present stage.

Key words: anticlines, thrusts, tangential compression, geodynamics
