Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Geoecological assessment of the impact of engineering and geological surveys of the РЎaspian Sea on the environment

2021. №4, pp. 50-58

Karabaeva Altynganym Z. - Astrakhan State University

Morozova Larisa A. - Astrakhan State University

The coastal part of the Caspian Sea is a very promising region of hydrocarbon production, where the richest deposits have been explored and exploited. However, oil production at sea is much more difficult, more expensive than on land and involves significant environmental risk. The most important tool of environmental protection activities used almost all over the world is a geoecological assessment based on a comprehensive analysis of the most likely impact of the proposed activity on the environment. This procedure is carried out in order to establish compliance of the planned economic activity with environmental requirements and to determine the feasibility of the object and to prevent possible negative impacts of this activity on the environment and the associated social, economic, environmental and other consequences. The constant increase in demand for hydrocarbon resources, their use as a priority energy source in the main branches of economic activity, as well as the consequences of the environmental impact of the development and operation of deposits have determined the relevance of this article. The purpose of the work was to disclose the procedure for assessing the planned activities during the development and operation of the hydrocarbon deposit of the Zhenis block of the Caspian Sea shelf zone on the natural components of the adjacent water area.

Key words: Zhenis site, impact, emissions, environmental measures, environment
