Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Justification flyuidoupor in the carbonate tank

2017. №3, pp. 86-92

Mukhacheva Alina Kh. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Existence the raznourovnevykh of gas-water contacts is characteristic of carbonate arrays. The executed researches assume existence the subvertikalynykh of the flyudoupor separating independent tanks. Formation of subvertical flyuidoupor is connected to depth geodynamic processes and synchronously to formation of zones of the abnormal cracking. Within large carbonate arrays subvertical flyuidoupor are revealed on the Orenburg field and exist within Karachaganaksny and Tengriz. Detection of the UV tanks connected to zones of the abnormal cracking mapping of flyuidoupor promotes opening of new fields within large carbonate arrays and will allow to lower a risk degree in case of construction of explorative slits. The numerous this seismic exploration and drillings received as a result of exploration on oil and gas within coal carbonate arrays testify to their complex structure.

Key words: резервуар, флюидоупор, скважина, массив, разведка, бурение, нефть, газ, карбонаты, свойства, tank, flyuidoupor, slit, array, investigation, drilling, oil, gas, carbonates, properties
