Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Typomorphism potassium feldspars from different world regions

2016. №3, pp. 11-19

Sangadzhiyev M.M. - C.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation, Elista,

Kumeev S.S. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation, Elista,

This article is devoted to the study of the regularities of distribution of the typo orphic sign of potassium feldspars (Potassium feldspars) from different region of the world and the former USSR. The composition and order of feldspars (SG) is one of the most important indicator sign. The main limitation of identifying these characteristics is their insufficient knowledge. Lately there is no data on structural изученностям Potassium feldspars from different regions and rocks. This enables you to more accurately identify the reference characteristics PSH. Us presents the interpretation of the composition and order, using original and literature of parameters of electronic cells Potassium feldspars determine the ordering of using the concept of entropy. In the work are given the frequency of occurrence of the PR - contents and Well for natural Potassium feldspars of different geological environment. At interpretation of radiographs us accounted for more than 12-15 reflections, which allowed to obtain a comparative description of Potassium feldspars. In the present work we used the data base field spat, of which 1560 microcline and 992 sanidin presented by PR - content variations in 90-96 % and 97-96 % with a value Well from 1.6 to 2.0, with a maximum 1.7 to 1.8. Also discussed several petrography types of granites, which were divided into groups. Aleskit granites (n = 724 analysis), biotite granites (n = 366), biotite - amphibole granites (n = 104) I have the maximum op-content more than 86 %. The data on Well, they are divided into groups available highs from 1 up to 4. The same pattern is also observed and sanidin. The above data by region showed that, for example megakristall grandiosities Cameroon have characteristics SN = 1,6-1,7 with the content of the PR - 91-94 %. Potassium feldspars Raumid array, Pamir have two modular distribution. Microcline migmatite and granites of the Murmansk block (areas of Teriberka and Iokanga) detect elements differences only in its statistical weight. Potassium feldspars one of the rare-metal pegmatite fields of Tuva presents a very compact composition (94-98 % PA) and order (Hy = 0,2-0,5) by a group of low microcline. Unstable in its properties Potassium feldspars pegmatite one of the rare metal deposits of the Middle Urals.

Key words: состав, упорядоченность, калиевые полевые шпаты, типоморфизм, статистический метод, интерпретация, граниты, санидин, микроклин, подборка, ортоклаз-содержание, structure, orderliness, potassium feldspars, typomorphism, statistical method interpretation, gr
