Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Development of a network of protected areas for conservation of geographic diversity in Perm region

2015. №4, pp. 76-89

Sannikov P.Yu. - C.Sc. in Geography, assistant, Perm State National Research University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation,

Buzmakov S.A. - D.Sc. in Geography, Professor, Perm State National Research University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation,

The term «geographical diversity» was first introduced in 2009, in the study of World Wild Fund. It work tried to estimate the representativeness of national network of protected areas in Russia. In our work the geographical diversity is diversity of natural components, ecosystems, geographical conditions and ecological processes. The basic measure of conservation is creation of protected areas. The researches which provided earlier show that modern network of PA’s in perm region not representative enough. It needs addition of new protected areas. The paper presents recommendations for the development of the modern network of protected areas (PA’s) for conservation the geographical diversity of the Perm region. For the research wide material was found and prepared. These materials include the data about modern protected areas and information about known natural valuable objects. For example, objects which show: landscape diversity (large, well-preserved areas of middle and southern taiga, mountain taiga complexes, coniferous-broadleaf forests, forest-steppe communities and wetland ecosystems), biodiversity (habitat of rare and endangered species, important bird areas and forest genetic reserves), geological diversity (geological monuments), the diversity of soil (valuable soil objects). By the spatial analysis the boundaries of modern protected areas network compared with distribution of known natural valuable objects. Based on this information a big number of areas, which perspective to create new protected areas were identified. To assess the ecological balance the basin approach was used. The percentage of PA’s on large watersheds was calculated. The districts which need addition of protected areas were identified. As a result of work for each prospective territories were identified the area, boundaries, recommended categories and profile and also included valuable natural objects. Spatial and other addition information about perspective PA’s were included in geoinformational database of our research. Also, numerical efficiency of the proposed development of a network of protected areas for the conservation diversity of natural components, ecosystems, geographical conditions and ecological processes in Perm region has been identified.

Key words: особо охраняемые природные территории, ландшафтное разнообразие, биоразнообразие, геологическое разнообразие, разнообразие почв, экологическое равновесие, Пермский край, protected areas (PAs), landscape diversity, biodiversity, geodiversity, diversity of
