Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

International spent geological nuclear materials with unclear future: Murman, Norilsk Nickel and Nhukotka as guarantors of non-proliferation and natural safety

2015. №2, pp. 88-95

Samarov Victor N. - Director D.Sc. in Technical, Laboratory of New Technologies Firm, Moscow, Russia - California, the USA,

Nepomnyashchiy Vitaliy Z. - Senior Researcher C.Sc. in Technical, Laboratory of New Technologies Firm, Moscow, Russia - California, the USA,

Komleva Yelena V. - Research, Institute for Philosophy and Political Science of Dortmund Technical University, 50 Emil-Figge st., Dortmund, 44221, Federal Republic of Germany,

Based on the multi-faceted professional authorsВґ experience as well as other publications, there was developed a Concept of a rather complete international cycle of technologies to handle the most dangerous kinds of radioactive materials (from their conditioning up to the long-term storage/ burial). This paper briefly gives a platform as well as basic framework of the Concept to be realized by an international consortium primarily on the territory of the Kola peninsula.

Key words: ядерная энергия, ядерные отходы, отработавшее ядерное топливо, горячее изостатическое прессование, международные хранилища, геологические и горные технологии, никель, Печенга, Росатом, Россия, nuclear energy, nuclear waste, spent nuclear fuel, hot isostat
