Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Patterns of distribution of hydrogen sulphide within vizey-bashkir carbonate array astrakhan arch

2014. №3, pp. 220-223

Yaroshenko Tatyana V. - Post-graduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

In this paper, we consider the processes of formation fluids enrichment hydrogen sulfide formation conditions and the complexity of the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide. In the course of exploration in the Paleozoic sediments within the Astrakhan Arch and its surroundings on hydrocarbons identified deposits with a high content of acidic components (hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide). Determination of the amount of hydrogen sulfide in free gas is complicated by not fully understood by the formation of hydrogen sulfide, which is involved in the formation of regional hydrogen sulfide complexes. As well as the lack of specific accounting methods loss of hydrogen sulfide during migration and the formation of sulfurized gas deposits in different geological and geochemical conditions. Degree of enrichment of hydrogen sulfide formation fluid is determined not only by the conditions of hydrogen sulphide, but also the conditions of formation and existence of hydrogen sulfide hydrocarbon accumulations.

Key words: пластовый флюид, кислые компоненты, осерненность газа, распределение залежей с углеводородом, нефтегазоносный район, геологоразведочные работы, сероводород, процессы, тектонические движения, месторождения, газовые залежи, layer fluid, acid components, osa
