Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Features of operation of offshore wells with subsea equipment placement

2014. №3, pp. 168-171

Spivak Kirill S. - Student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 1a Bumazhnikov ave., 414042, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Saushin Aleksander Z. - D.Sc. in Technical Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 1a Bumazhnikov ave., 414042, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Lyamina Natalya F. - Senior Lecturer Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 1a Bumazhnikov ave., 414042, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

Subsea production system is a set of processing units located on the seabed, are responsible for certain operations, the operation of offshore wells with subsea. Underwater complex hydraulic structure can be followed, which is home to auxiliary operations (control, separation, etc.), or to work autonomously under the control of the control unit. This article provides an overview of basic scuba equipment and its operation scheme under certain conditions, advantages and disadvantages of placing the equipment on the bottom of the water basin. Accommodation underwater complex hydrocarbon production - one of the most promising technologies operating offshore, search and development which recently acquired significant scale worldwide.

Key words: подводный добычной комплекс, шельфовое месторождение, гидротехническое сооружение, скважина с подводным расположением устья, подводный манифольд, Киринское месторождение, система сбора, система сепарации, блок управления, система телекоммуникации, subsea
