Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

The mathematical modeling of the mechanism of gas migration in the annulus oil and gas wells

2014. №3, pp. 98-100

Yegorova Yelena V. - C.Sc. in Technical Sciences Рђssociate Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation, Рµ

Everywhere on the gas and oil fields of the Volga-Ural, the Caspian and West Siberian oil and gas province, after entering into commercial development wells identified intercolumned pressure (MCD) and flows (INC) more than 50 % of wells. Found that gas flows in cemented casing and cement migrates up the ring from the reservoir into permeable interlayers upper section of the well to form a man-made gas accumulations. Upon reaching the mouth of the gas on the cement ring observed intercolumned gas show, flows and springs at the wellhead. Problems between strings pressures and flows in the production wells may violate the integrity of the cement stone, well integrity violation and as a consequence - the conclusion of a well operating fund.

Key words: межколонные давления, межколонные перетоки, эксплуатационные скважины, грифоны, миграция флюида в заколонном пространстве, нарушение крепи скважины, цементный камень, давление в межколонном пространстве, математическое моделирование, обсадная колонна, int
