Geology, geography and global energy
Scientific and Technical Journal
Engineering and geological conditions affecting sports construction in krasnaya polyana alpine complex
2012. №4, pp. 223-228
Fomenko Yelena V. - Associate Professor, Krasnodar Social and Economic Institute, 4 Kamvolnaya st., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350000,
Serebryakovа Oksana А. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414056,
Antoshkina Yelena V. - Associate Professor, Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350040,
Mishurina Vitalika M. - Student, Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350040,
Antoshkina Viktoriya V. - Student, Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350040,
Mercheva Valentina S. - C.Sc. in Technology, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414056,
The article covers both favorable and unfavorable conditions for construction, with a particular focus on the infrastructure of Krasnaya Polyana. It adds that a series of measures need to be taken to stabilize building sites and prevent the occurrence of a geological hazard. One of the major projects being undertaken in Krasnaya Polyana is the construction of an Olympic sports complex. Subsequently, the paper reorients its focus to an analysis of the geological and geomorphological conditions of the area from both a scientific and a practical perspective. Tectonically, the area of the prospective facility is dominated by a modern fold-thrust and shear dislocation developed during its upper structural epi-geosynclinal stage. According to the critique, the area’s morphological features include thrusts and associated anticlines causing transformational horizontal-to-vertical tectonic movements in the frontal parts of its allochthon features. During their formation stage, the latter rocks exhibited horizontal stress, causing, inter alia, the creation of fold-thrust structures. The territory’s overall geological structure is filled with Jurassic, Cretaceous and Quaternary sediments. The latter period has been marked by the genesis of alluvial, proluvial, deluvial, colluvial, landslide diluvial and eluvial deposits. In terms of its lithological content, the area’s gravel-pebble-boulder sandy soils feature a vast range of deposits (including detritus, clay, argillites and limestone). From a geomorphological standpoint, the area – which belongs to the megantiklinory Greater Caucasus – comprises a range of morph-structural features (including thrust area ranges, levels of cover and the Sochi area ridges).
Key words: geology,geomorphology,hazardous geological processes,natural resources,zoning
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