Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2020. №2, pp. 60-63

Bandaliyev Nuraddin S. oglu - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,

The article describes landscape distribution patterns of some geographical names registered on the southern slope of the south - eastern part of The Greater Caucasus. It had been attempted to determine the location of landscape belts of the area and the variability in the impact of historic economic activities on the study of geographical names. Some of the elements of the paleo landscape had been discovered due to the study of geographical names, its areal had been clarified. And it also helps to identify some aspects of past landscapes. The geographical names of the surveyed area indicate that there were no mountain deserts in the past but there were humid climatic landscapes and animals belonging to the mentioned climate and landscapes had been clarified. In the area the areal of the past landscapes had been clarified that landscape distribution patterns and landscape elements were observed. From this point of view, the ways of restoring these landscapes, creating and directing new reserves were shown.

Key words: Бабадаг, Хилил, Битар, Архадж, Тап, Рельеф, Гюлли земи, Арчанлы Гюзей, Чеменли даг, Ардычлы ямадж, Babadag, Khilil, Bitar, Arkhaj, Tap, Relief, Gully zemi, Archanly Gyuzey, Chemenli dag, Ardychly Yamadzh
