Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Hydrogeological characteristic of karst waters in Lake Baskunchak area

2018. №4, pp. 25-32

Golovachev I.V. - C.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor, Astrakhan Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Ermolina A.V. - Head of Laboratory, LLC ″Moringegeologiya″, 85 Krasnaya Naberezhnaya st., Astrakhan, 414004, Russian Federation,

On the territory of the Caspian lowland there are many unusual areas, towering above the surrounding endless lowland spaces, representing the bottom of the ancient sea. The peculiarity of these areas is that they were raised under the influence of salt domes rising from the depths of the domes - diapirs. Small scattered karst areas are confined for some salt domes. They are associated with the emergence on the surface of the ancient Late Paleozoic rocks, represented mainly by the Lower Permian gypsum (Pkg), in the cores of salt domes. Karst areas are located on the territory of the Caspian lowland unevenly and have different outcrops of karst rocks. One of these areas is the territory located near salt Lake Baskunchak and Mount Big Bogdo. The article presents a brief description of the area around the Baskunchak Lake, and also discusses various types of groundwater, including karst, present in this natural area. Also shown the peculiarity of hydrogeology due to the presence of salt-dome uplifts in this area, as well as natural and anthropogenic factors influencing the activation of karst processes. In this article is given observations of the dynamics of karst waters in the Baskunchak Cave, which is the largest natural karst cave in the Caspian lowland.

Key words: гипсовые кепроки, соляные купола, сульфатный карст, карстовый процесс, карстовые воды, карстовые пещеры, пещера Баскунчакская, подземные паводки, Прикаспийская низменность, озеро Баскунчак, gypsum caprock, salt domes, sulphate karst, karst process, karst
