Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Geodynamic division into districts of the Urals

2018. №3, pp. 43-53

Kazantseva T.T. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Chief Researcher, Institute of Geology, Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy Sciences, 16 / 2 K. Marks st., Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, 450077, Russian Federation,

Information on the geodynamic features of the evolution of the earth's crust is reflected in the nature and intensity of deformation, the regularities of the area allocation of known types of allochthonous structures. Such information is concentrated in special objects, which are the geodynamic belts of the trans-regional level, allocated for the first time in the territory of the Ural fold region. The basis for their selection is the dislocation principle and its main criterion is variability. The established relationship between the intensity of manifestations of dislocations and the origin of minerals allows the Transuralian geodynamic belts to be regarded as promising zones of localization of their deposits. Therefore, their study is one of the most important tasks of geological science, both fundamental and applied.

Key words: Трансуральские пояса, типы аллохтонов, надвиги, сдвиги, шарьяжи, дислокационный принцип, критерий изменчивости, пояса геодинамической активности, Transuralian belts, types of allochthons, thrusts, shifts, sharyazhi, dislocation principle, variability crit
