Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Features convert tehnosistem during the development of deposits of natural raw materials

2017. №3, pp. 122-130

Artamonova Svetlana V. - C.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor, Orenburg State University, 13 Pobeda av., Orenburg, Orenburg region, 460018, Russian Federation,

This article considers the problem of optimizing the use of the subsoil and prevent technical degradation and pollution tehnosistem. Distribution of heavy metals within Gai anomaly corresponds to the regularities of formation pyrazinamidase landscape-geochemical systems, tied to the eluvial-accumulative levels. On the basis of clustering techniques based on objective grouping of figures, the concentrations of heavy metals in the different clusters obtained landscape-geochemical levels, characterized by common features of heavy metal concentrations. Distinctive features of tekhnosistema Gai Deposit are significant differences between the eluvial and accumulative levels, and also pronounced the boundaries of tehnosistem, formed as a result of mining. The major amount of wastewater in the territory of the Gai Deposit are associated with the activities located here, the processing plant, i.e. the formation of technogenic waste water is connected mainly with the Western part of the Deposit, while Podotvalnoye deeply metamorphosed and at the same time limited common (localized) groundwater is connected with the Eastern part - where there is a Gayskiy career. Thus, in the area of AI field greater danger is posed by contaminated soils (soils), silt and man-made precipitation. Very dangerous SO and Cl, as they can migrate long distances, contaminating surface water and groundwater, making them unsuitable for practical use. Metals have a much lower range of migration (due to the large impact of pH of the medium). However, accumulate in soils, they degrade the living conditions of the population.

Key words: техногеосистемы, геоэкологическая опасность, промышленная зона, месторождения, техногенез, природные компоненты, геохимические поля, ландшафты, рельеф, tekhnosistema, geoenvironmental danger industrial zone, deposits, technogenesis, natural ingredients, g
