Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Accumulation of hydrocarbons in sediments palmira basin on the results of geological and geophysical and geochemical researches

2016. №3, pp. 26-33

Ahmed Alhaloum A. - post-graduate student, Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolkaya st., Krasnodar, 350040, Krasnodar region, Russian Federation,

A geochemical study of Palmyra Basin rocks give a positive result in terms of the hydrocarbon potential of the sedimentary complex. Hydrocarbon education in Syria were in the two oil systems - the Triassic and Cretaceous.Triassic Oil system includes oil shale source rocks Amanos, Kurchayn-dolomite and Mulass Serzhelo formations. Collectors are Triassic and Cretaceous carbonate rocks. This system actively produces oil from the late Cretaceous period, and liquid gas and gas condensate in the Neogene period. The second system is connected with the oil pozdnemelovyi time-Shiranish Formation (and their equivalent marl Palmyra), the generation was produced from the late Cretaceous shales and bituminous marl. Collectors were Cretaceous and Tertiary carbonate rocks. Oil was produced during the Neogene period.

Key words: Сирия, Пальмира, месторождений, накопления, карбонатные породы, углеводородов, геохимические, породы, Формация, нефтегазовые, триас, мел, Syria, Palmyra, deposits, savings, carbonate rocks, hydrocarbon geochemical, rock, formations, oil and gas, Triassic,
