Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Increase orf multizone fracturing using horizontal wells in the development

2014. №3, pp. 49-52

Boskhomdzhiev Dmitriy Yu. - Undergraduate, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Yegorova Yelena V. - C.Sc in Technical Sciences Рђssociate Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation, Рµ

Owing to the increase of hydrocarbon resource consuming, it is required to introduce new innovation methods of its extraction. The problem of the development of new methods refers to new and already working fields. The preparation of innovation techniques of this field development permits to reduce expenses and to raise hydrocarbon discharge in hard-to-reach areas to a considerable extent. The article deals with the future prospects for the development of this research area in Russia and abroad, means and methods of the given technique design. The development of this research area is especially important for Caspian shelf fields.

Key words: многозонный гидроразрыв пласта, горизонтальная скважина, гибкие насосно-компрессорные трубы, дебит, диагностические системы, коэффициент извлечения нефти, спуско-подъемная операция, многостадийный ГРП, многоступенчатый ГРП, проппант, multi-zone hydrofract
