Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2020. №3, pp. 17-27

Vorobyov Aleksey Yu. - Ryazan State University named of S. A. Yesenin,

Kadyrov Aleksandr Sergeevich - Ryazan State University named of S. A. Yesenin,

Presented the results of experimental studies of the dynamics of the accumulation of high water deposits in the riverbed floodplain of the Oka river in its middle course. We was determined the granulometric composition of 72 bulk samples of alluvial deposits, taken under various subfacial conditions at two Oka river bends in 2014-2019. The lithology of sediments reflects the annual variability of hydroclimatic conditions in the Oka river basin and the influence of local hydromorphological factors. It was found, that the most coarse sediments were deposited during the flood of 2018 with the highest levels and expenses over a six-year period of our research. In dry years, there is a predominant accumulation of silt and clay, as well as a decrease in the thickness of the accumulated alluvium layer by 8-15 times compared to 2018. It was revealed, that fine fractions take the greatest part in precipitation of backwaters, and, to a lesser extent, of the lower wings of river bends. We was determined the differences in the granulometric composition of sediments, accumulated under natural conditions and in the conditions of the flow regulated by the dam of the "Aksyonovsky" hydroelectric complex, located near the "Konstantinovo" village.

Key words: Oka river, alluvium, sedimentation trap, particle size analysis, GIS, flood, channel dam
