Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2019. №4, pp. 204-212

Dmitrieva Marina V. - Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Educational Complex, 5 Vishnevaya St., Moscow, 125362, Russian Federation,

Sizov Alexander P. - D. Sc. in Engeneering, Р rofessor, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, 4 Gorokhovsky Lane, 105064, Moscow, Russian Federation,

Barmin Alexander N. - D. Sc. in Geography, Р rofessor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Buzyakova Inna V. - Ph. D. in Geography, Рђssociate Professor, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 26 Yaroslavskoe Ave., Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation,

Analysis of anthropogenic loading on the landscape is critical importance to reveal and determine ecological problems. One of the ways to assessment the anthropogenic loading on the landscape is the analysis of land by type of use and the pattern of settlement of the territory (density of rural and urban population). The lands of the Astrakhan region belong to the territories with an medium intensity of use with the predominance of one type of land use (agricultural). One of the stages of assessment of anthropogenic loading is the assessment of location and population density. Anthropogenic loading is estimated as the total impact on the land of a particular type of use (taking into account technology) and human influence, determined by population density, population and availability of arable land. The greatest intensity of use is characteristic of land with a higher population density, which makes it possible to determine the territory of intensive anthropogenic loading. This is the basis for the allocation of areas of ecological problems and situations in some cases. Ecological values of population density are determined by the forms and degree of anthropogenic impact on the environment of the territory. There is usually a higher population density on lands where there are more favorable conditions for the life of the population (natural, economic, environmental). The network of settlements in the Astrakhan region is characterized by uneven placement, sparsity, a large number of small village and seasonally inhabited areas, which is associated with grazing livestock and focal agriculture. The proportion of administrative districts in the population of the region and the proportion of the area of the region assessment for the population of the region were considered parameters such as. This assessment is presenting in the form of cartographic material, which allowed visually consider areas with a high degree of population. Then the estimation of population density of Astrakhan region districts was carried out with the calculation of the rate of change of population density in the period 2012-2019 using dynamic indicators, it is possible to predict further growth or decrease in population density, and accordingly the degree of anthropogenic loading on the land of the region. The higher the productivity of land, the more this land can feed people, the higher the level of intensity of its use should be, the more workers this land requires. The article assesses the density of the rural population on the density of arable land in the administrative districts of the region. When considering the above factors of anthropogenic loading, proposals were made to improve the ecological situation in the region.

Key words: расселение, динамика численности населения, плотность населения, площадь пашни, коэффициент заселенности, земельные ресурсы, населённость районов, settlement, population dynamics, population density, arable land area, population ratio, land resources, pop
