Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Scientific researches in oil and gas hydrogeology

2016. №3, pp. 7-11

Bakirova S.F. - D.Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 Azattyk av., Atyrau, 060002, Republic of Kazakhstan,

Water, oil and the gas dissolved in water represent uniform system fluids in an earth's crust. Water as the most widespread component this system is not the inert environment for oil and gas. It actively influences conditions of existence of oil and gas deposits and assists their formation, conservation or destruction; therefore without taking into account hydro-geological conditions of area to make an assessment of its prospects нефтегазоносности it is impossible. Studying водоносности and litologo structure of the breeds composing saliferous and надсолевую thicknesses of the Near-Caspian hollow, has allowed us to allocate in them водоносные complexes, rather waterproof and waterproof thicknessesto the most powerful, widely maintained on the area and the most water-plentiful водоносным to complexes надсолевой thicknesses concern adjournment of the Tatar circle top перми, the bottom yura and top аlba bottom mеlа. The last in the central part междуречья Volga and Urals Mountains become more clay and are washed partially away. It is established, that industrial oil pools in nаdсоlеbой thicker than east half of hollow are concentrated mainly near to zones of unloadings of underground waters, to sites of the slow water exchange, described by progress of waters chlorine calcium type chlorine sodium and chlorine calcium and sodium structure with the metane in them metane, nitrogen-углекисло-metane and nitrogen-углекисло-hydrocarbonic gases. At revealing prospects нефтегазоносности and search of the areas with oil and hectares deposits great value have a number of the geologist -geochemical factors among which the cores are tectonic, litologo-фациальные, geochemical and hydrogeochemical. Data of hydro-geological studying of character deposit waters in petroliferous layers, findings-out of a temperature mode and salt structure of waters of their physical properties can serve criteria at an assessment of safety or destruction of oil pools.

Key words: гидрогеология, нефть, газ, динамика, водоносность, зональность, прогноз, геосинклиналь, гидрогеохимия, hydrogeology, oil, gas, dynamics, wateash, value, forecast, geosyncline, hydrogeochemistry
