Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Determination of alkanes and isoprenanes in fractions of the IBP up to 1500C in oil of Sostinsky field

2013. №4, pp. 65-76

Erdnieva Olga G.  - C. Sc. in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation,, erdnieva_og@

Mergen M. Sangadzhiev - C. Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation,,

Chingiz M. Badmaev - C. Sc. in Chemistry, Assistant, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation,,

Pyurbeev Dmitriy G.  - Student, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin st., Elista, Republic of Kalmykia, 358000, Russian Federation,,

This article is devoted to the study of the patterns of distribution of alkanes and isoprenanes at a fraction of the IBP up to 150 °C Sostinskoe oil fields of the republic of Kalmykia. Group hydrocarbon composition Sostinskoe oil field was determined by aniline points (GOST 12329-77). Research petroleum fractions were 60–95 ?C, 95–122 ?C, 122–150 ?C, 150–200 ?C. It is established that in the narrow – 95 ?C Sostinskoe oil fields, wells number 3, 8, 9, the predominant class of hydrocarbons are alkanes (84,04, 85,46 and 86,89 %, respectively), followed by the arena (15,96, 14,54 and 13,11 % respectively), naphtha no. In the fraction of 95–122 °C the predominant class of hydrocarbons are alkanes (55,10, 57,75 and 60,40 %, respectively) followed by naphthenes, (28,38, 24,25 and 20,13 %, respectively) and Arena (16,52, 18,00 and 19,47 %, respectively). In the fraction of 122–150 ?C are the predominant class of alkane hydrocarbon (55,09, 56,14 and 57,19 %, respectively) followed by naphthenes, (29,66, 28,91 and 28,17 %, respectively) and arenas (15,25, 14,95 and 14,64 %). In the fraction of 150–200 ?C are the predominant class of alkane hydrocarbon (66,54, 55,82 and 45,10 %, respectively) followed by naphthenes, (22,18, 31,49 and 40,80 %, respectively) and arenes (11,28, 12,69 and 14,10 %, respectively). Total fraction of from 60 to 200 ?C the predominant class of hydrocarbons are alkanes (65,19, 63,79 and 62,39 %, respectively) followed by naphthenes (20,06, 28,22 and 22,28 %, respectively) and arenas (14,75, 15,04 and 15,33 %, respectively). The relative distribution of hydrocarbon fractions IBP – 150 °C Sostinskoe oil field well number 3, 8, 9 was examined by gas chromatography. In the fraction of IBP – 150 °C Sostinskoe oil field wells. Number 3, 8, 9 has a maximum relative to the peak concentration of 2,2-dimethylpentane (9,48, 9,39 and 8,72 %), followed methylcyclopentane (8,80, 8,72 and 8,09 %) n-hexane (8,75, 8,61 and 8,04 %). High relative concentrations of methyl cyclopentane, show a low degree of transformation of the original organic matter, since the converted organic matter characterized by lower relative methylcyclopentane (less than 5 %). On sapropel origin initial organic matter indicate higher relative concentration of branched alkanes such as 2,2-dimethylpentane (8,72 %), since the organic substances of the humus origin relative concentration of branched alkanes do not exceed 3–4 %.

Key words: hydrocarbon composition of oil,alkanes,izoprenany,isoprenoid alkanes,cycloalkanes,arenas,analine point,gas chromatography
