Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2020. №2, pp. 29-33

Serebryakov Andrey O. - Astrakhan State University,

Maleev Artem V. - Astrakhan State Technical University,

Lyamina Natalia F. - Astrakhan State Technical University,

Kirsanov Daniil V. - Astrakhan State Technical University,

In Russia, a lot of attention is currently paid to intelligent systems for assessing the resources of geological objects, for which digital systems are successfully used to increase the efficiency of geological exploration. The programs allow you to analyze thousands of options for evaluating resources and choose the best ones. The economic effect of introducing new digital products only at pilot sites exceeded 500 million rubles over five years. Digital systems are successfully tested to improve the efficiency of oil production. The programs analyze a variety of field development configurations and select the best ones, thereby increasing the economic impact of digital technologies. The ERA: Optima intelligent system increases the efficiency of field development. based on volume modeling, it is possible to determine the optimal location of new wells and adjust those wells that are already in operation. According to optimal assumptions, this will increase the project's profit by 300 million rubles. At the Achimov field of Slavneft-Megionneftegaz, the Intelligent system found a scenario that led to an 8 % increase in production, resulting in an 11 % increase in project profitability [1].

Key words: ресурсы, эффективность, программа, интеллект, добыча, геология, регион, resources, efficiency, program, intelligence, mining, geology, region
