Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2020. №1, pp. 86-90

Glebova Lyubov V. - Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Leader Anastasia V. - Lomonosov Moscow State University,

In the process of exploration, the accompanying reservoir waters change their properties, due to the flow of reagents, fresh water, corrosion products as a result of lower pressure and temperature. As a result of lifting, transporting, preparing associated waters, the pressure is reduced, the concentration of dissolved gas decreases, water is oversaturated with carbonates falling into the sediment. Mechanical impurities of wastewater contain clay particles, carbonates, iron oxides and hydroxides, organic compounds such as paraffins, asphalt, resins. Cleaning in the training workshops does not provide enough clean water for pumping, and there are no effective estuary filters that can clean the working agent and work in the conditions of high fluid costs to maintain the reservoir pressure. Hydrogeological dispersal technology solves the problem of increasing the inter - repair period of absorbing wells by reducing the colmatation of the slaughter area with solid suspended particles by dispersing them. To implement hydrogeological technology, a dispersing well is placed at the mouth of the absorbent well, capable of crushing particulate matter in a working agent to the size of a smaller than the size of a productive reservoir. In this case, solid suspended particles are able to penetrate the reservoir without colmatation of the pumping well.

Key words: пластовые воды, попутные воды, гидрогеологические технологии, очистка вод, система поддержания пласового давления, твердые взвешенные частицы, устьевой диспергатор, свойства сточных вод, закачка воды, минерализованные воды, поглощающая скважина, динамичес
