Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2020. №1, pp. 66-73

Glebova Lyubov V. - Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Krotova Alina G. - Lomonosov Moscow State University, agkrotova@gmail.СЃom

Vorobyeva Alexandra O. - Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Specialists in the field of extracting UV raw materials are not interested in the concept of the origin of oil and gas, they are interested in reserves. Two concepts, biogenic and abiogenic, exist in various modifications, are supported by a large number of proponents and rely on a significant amount of experimental and theoretical research. Geologists have always been interested in the issue of hydrocarbon genesis, and also the replenishment of deposits, but so far neither supporters nor skeptics could explain it. It is possible to understand the nature of filling oil and gas deposits after answering such questions as: what are the sources of energy for oil synthesis, the mechanism of migration of hydrocarbons and the formation of deposits, the accumulation of oil in the crystalline foundation and many others. According to some scientists, all deposits of AB can be conventionally divided into replenishable and not replenished. Many fields, where hydrocarbon reserves should have run out long ago, have been considered, but are still successfully developed. Scientists and geologists have repeatedly talked about the significance of this natural or man - made phenomenon, each of which cited the concept of the formation of the process of replenishment. Now there is a need to unite supporters of different views and concepts, to apply new approaches, to offer the latest hypotheses, to make discoveries, to make a scientific revolution.

Key words: природные геологические факторы, техногенные факторы, тектоника района, терригенные и карбонатные формации, трещиноватость пород, восполнение залежей, нефтегазоносные комплексы, лабораторные исследования, генерация углеводородов, геологический разрез, кон
