Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Tectonic characteristic of the central regions of Caspian basin

2017. №2, pp. 60-68

Mukhasheva A.Kh. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

The Volga-Akhtuba region in tectonically confined to the Central part of the structure of the II order, the Astrakhan arch is a major tectonic element in the southwest part of the Caspian basin. The Astrakhan arch corresponds to the complex structure of the protrusion of the crystalline basement. According to the materials of the correlation method of refracted waves (cmrw) the surface of the basement in the Central part of the region lies at depths of 8-9 km and plunges to the periphery to 11-12 km. the size of the protrusion in the plan 140-180 km Г— 100-140 km, the amplitude is about 3 km away. The projection of the Foundation from the West, North-East and South is limited to tectonic disturbances and has a block structure. On the West ledge bordered Sarpinsky the trough is the southern continuation of the Central Caspian basin. The depth of the Foundation can reach 16-18 km and more. South ledge is located at the junction with Karakul deflection allocated to the Foundation within the zone of articulation epipleoneura of the Caspian basin with eigensystem ridge Karpinski. The amplitude discriminating their fault is 4-5 km Depth of the base here is 20 km away.

Key words: Волго-Ахтуба, тектоника, фундамент, прогиб, депрессия, структура, этаж, Volga-Akhtuba, tectonics, base, trough, basin, structure, floor
