Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAEN), Honorable Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF, dean of the faculty of Geology at Kubanskiy State University, Head of the Chair of Regional and Marine Geology, expert of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research, member of Presidium of Educational- Methodological Council of Classical Geology Universities, Deputy Chaiman and member of two dissertation councils.

  1. Popkov V. I. Skladchato-nadvigovye dislokacii v osadochnom chehle Azovskogo morja [Folded-Embricated Thrusts in Sedimentary Mantles of the Azov Sea]. Geotektonika, 2009, no. 4, pp. 84–93.
  2. Popkov V. I., Khain V. E., Yudin V. V. Paleogeodinamika juzhnogo obramlenija Vostochno-Evropejskoj platformy, Kryma i Kavkaza [Paleogeodynamics of the Southern Margins of the East European Platform, the Crimea and the Caucasus]. MSU Bulletin. Geology, 2010, no. 2, pp. 59–64.
  3. Popkov V. I., Serebrjakov A. O. Netradicionnye neftegazonosnye ob’ekty: Monografija [Unconventional Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Objects: Monograph]. Astrakhan, Publ. House Astrakhan States University, 2009, 183 p.
  4. Popkov V.I. Geotektonika: Osnovnye ponjatija, terminy, opredelenija. spravochnoe posobie [Geotectonics: Basic Notions, Terms, Definitions. Reference Book]. Krasnodar, Publ. House Kuban State University, 2009, 107 p.
  5. Popkov V. I., Khain V. E., Koronovskij N. V., Levin L. Je., Mirzoev D. A., Pirbudagov V. M., Senin B. V., Judin V. V. Tektonika juzhnogo obramlenija Vostochno-Evropejskoj platformy: Monografija [Tectonics of the Southern Margins of the East European Platform: Monograph]. Ed. by V. E. Khain, V. I. Popkov. Krasnodar, Publ. House Kuban State University, 2009, 213 p.
  6. Popkov V. I., Larichev V. V. Geojekologicheskie i tehnogennye problemy osvoenija neftjanyh i gazokondensatnyh mestorozhdenij Prikaspijskoj vpadiny: Monografija [Geo-Ecologic and Technogenic Challenges of Exploitation of Oil and Gas Condensate Fields the Caspian Lowland: Monograph]. Krasnodar, Publ. House Kuban State University, 2009, 315 p
  7. Popkov V. I., Larichev V. V., Serebrjakov O. I. Jekologicheskaja geologija: Uchebnik (Environmental Geology: Text-book). Astrakhan, Publ. House Astrakhan States University, 2008, 459 с.
  8. Khain V. E., Popkov V. I., Yudin V. V. Paleogeodinamika juzhnogo obramlenija Vostochno-Evropejskogo kratona (Paleogeodynamics of the Southern Margins of the East European Kraton). MSU Bulletin. Geology, 2010, no. 2, pp. 3–9.
  9. Popkov V. I. Stroenie Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza po geofizicheskim dannym [Structure North-Western Caucasus by Geophysical Data]. Izvestiya Vuzov. Geologija i Razvedka, 2010, no. 4, pp. 24–31.
  10. Popkov V. I., Solov'ev V. A., Solov'eva L. P. Grjazevoj vulkanizm, sejsmichnost' i neftegazonosnost [Mud Volcanoes, Seismicity and Oil-and-Gas Bearing Capasity]. Geologija, geofizika i razrabotka neftjanyh i gazovyh mestorozhdenij, 2010, no. 6, pp. 27–32.
  11. Popkov V. I. Collision tectonics of the North-Western Caucasus. Journal of Nepal Geologikal Society, 2010, vol. 41, p. 61.
  12. Popkov V. I. Сollision tectonics of the north-western Сaucasus. Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization. Book of abstracts the of World Forum – International Congress, September 19-21, Istanbul, Turkey – SWB. London, 2011, pp. 78–79.
  13. Popkov V. I., Solov'ev V. A., Solov'eva L. P. Gelij i neftegazonosnost' [Helium and oil-and-gas-bearing capacity]. Geologija, geofizika i razrabotka neftjanyh i gazovyh mestorozhdenij, 2012, no. 5, pp. 46–50.
  14. Popkov V. I., Solov'ev V. A., Solov'eva L. P. Gazogidraty i degazacionnaja model' ih formirovanija [Gas-hydrates and degassing model of their formation]. Geologija nefti i gaza, 2012, no. 6, pp. 12–18.
  15. Popkov V. I., Popkov I. V. Katastroficheskoe tektonicheskoe sobytie leta 2011 goda na Tamanskom poluostrove [Catastrophic tectonic event in summer 2011 in the Taman Peninsula]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 2013, vol. 448, no. 6.
  16. Popkov V. I., Solovyov V. A., Solovyova L. P. Seismicity and content of oil and gas in region. Journal of Nepal Geologikal Society, 2012, vol. 43, pp. 51–56.
  17. Popkov V. I., Solov'ev V. A., Solov'eva L. P. Geohimija nefti i gaza: Uchebnoe posobie [Geochemistry of oil and gas. Study guide]. Krasnodar, Publ. House Kuban State University, 2012, 234 p
  18. Popkov V. I., Fomenko V. A., Glazyrin E. A., Popkov I. V. Katastroficheskoe tektonicheskoe sobytie leta 2011 goda na Tamanskom poluostrove [Catastrophic tectonic event in summer 2011 in the Taman Peninsula]. Doklady Akademii nauk, 2013, vol. 448, no. 6, pp. 680–683.
  19. Popkov V. I., Fomenko V. A., Glasyrin E. A., Popkov I. V. A Catastrofic Tectonic Event in Summer 2011 in the Taman Peninsula. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2013, vol. 448, part 2, pp. 172–174.
  20. Popkov V. I. Postsedimentacionnyj harakter razvitija vnutriplitnyh dislokacij kak otrazhenie impul'sivnosti deformacionnyh processov [Post-sedimentation character of the development inter-platform dislocations as a reflection of deformation process impulsivity]. Geodinamika i tektonofizika, 2013, vol. 4, no/ 3, pp. 327–339.
  1. Russian Fund of Federal Property 05-05-65247-а Petrophysical Grounding of Fractional Geological Units of Cretaceous Flysch Formations of the North-Western Caucasus. 2005–2006. Completed. Performer.
  2. Russian Fund of Federal Property 06-05-96621-р_юг_а. Stress-Tectonics and Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of Sedimentary Basins. 2006–2006.
  3. Russian Fund of Federal Property 06-05-96693-р_юг_а. Systematics of Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Structures of the Earth Crust and Geodynamical Factors of their Formation as a Basis of Retrieval Oil and Gas Fields in the Azov-Black Seas Region. 2006–2008. Completed. Performer.
  4. Russian Fund of Federal Property 08-05-00342-а. Overthrust Tectonics, Mud Volcanicity and Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of the North-Western Caucasuses and Adjoining Heterogeneous Zones of the Black and Azov Seas. 2008–2010. Completed. Manager.
  5. Russian Fund of Federal Property 09-05-96502-р_юг_а. Working-Out of Tecto-Dynamic Criteria of Forecasting Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of Azov-Black Sea Region. 2009–2011. Completed. Manager.
  6. Russian Fund of Federal Property 11-05-00857-а. Geodynamical Factors of Formation and Oil-and-Gas-Bearing Capacity of the Earth Crust Heterogeneous Structures in the Azov-Black Sea Region. 2011–2013. Supported. Manager.
  7. Russian Fund of Federal Property 13-05-96507-р_юг_а. Exogenetic Hazards in the Zone of Present Geodynamic Activity of Tectonic Structures and Environmental-Industrial Safety of the Objects of Subsurface Management in Krasnodar Territory. 2013–2014. Supported. Manager.
  8. Federal Target Programme “Scientific and Academic Personnel of Innovative Russia” 2009-2013. Application number: 2012-1.2.1-12-000-1007-9056. Grant Agreement of September 21, 2012 No14.B37.21.1258. Title: Study of Geo- and Fluid-Dynamic Factors of Oil-and-Gas Accumulation in Deep-Sunk Complexes of Multiple-Aged Sedimentary Basins. 2012–2013 Manager – V.I. Popkov.
  9. Federal Target Programme “Scientific and Academic Personnel of Innovative Russia” 2009-2013 Application number: 2012-1.1-12-000-1006-006. Grant Agreement of August 17, 2012 No 14.B37.21.0582. Title: Study of the Interdependence of Oil-And-Gas Accumulation in Earth Crust and Development Geological Hazards with New Tectonic Movements in Heterogeneous Structural and Geodynamic Contexts (by the example of the Black Sea-Caucasus Region). 2012–2013. Manager – V.I. Popkov.
  10. 5.1495.2011 “Working-Out of a New Model of Deep Structure and Geodynamical Development of the Earth Crust Heterogeneous Structures in the the Black-Caspian Seas Region as a Scientific Basis to Forecast Geological Hazards and Search for Oil-and-Gas Fields”. The project within the frames of state assignment to the higher educational institutions in research activity. Проект в рамках госзадания высшим учебным заведениям в части проведения НИР. 2012–2014 гг. Manager – V.I. Popkov.
  11. Federal Target Programme of the analytical departmental target programme “Development of the Higher School Scientific Potential (2009-2010)” Event 2: «Carrying out Fundamental Researches in the Sphere of Natural, Technical and Liberal Sciences. Methodological Support of the Development Science Infrastructure in Higher Education Institutions” Section 2.1: “Carrying out Fundamental Researches in the Sphere of Natural, Technical and Liberal Sciences”. Subsection 2.1.1: «Carrying out Fundamental Researches in the Sphere of Natural Sciences». Project No 2.1.1/3385 “Study of Structure Features, Geodynamic Conditions of Heterogeneous Structures Formation in the Black-Caspian Seas Region and Pattern of Oil-And-Gas Accumulation Distribution in it” 2009–2011 Manager – V.I. Popkov.