Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


All material submitted for publication in scientific and technical journal "Geology , Geography and Global Energy", are in the process of mandatory review. It includes representation of foreign authors (in relation to the place of work of any of the authors ) review and internal editorial review.
In one issue of the number of published articles that meets any of the authors , can not exceed two . However, this does not exclude the simultaneous operation of revision with the authors on the articles intended for different numbers.
On admission to the editor of the material made its initial review and check for compliance with the formal requirements of the subject matter and publications in respect of technical requirements for registration ( this usually makes the executive secretary of the journal .) In the case of non- subject , the article is not taken into consideration, the author is notified about it. Editors may then offer the author (s ) to send the article in other journals published by the Astrakhan State University.
For materials received , fully correspond to the theme of the magazine and the technical requirements for the material provided the executive secretary of the journal is organized checking the content of the article ( including use of internal review ).

On the basis of such checks can be made the following decisions:
  • To consider the publication of the material in the magazine is not appropriate;
  • To accept material for publication;
  • Send data to refine the author (s ).

In any case, the authors should be notified of the decision and the answer has to wear motivated with regard to the criteria specified in paragraph "6".

In the case of a negative opinion on the submitted version of the paper edition can select one of the following reply to the author :
  • A review of the work of the observations and recommendations to address them ( this is a separate document to the text of the article);
  • The text of the present article , as amended directly into it the comments and suggestions of the reviewer edits and / or the executive secretary for change parts of the text , formulas, tables, graphs , etc. (this can be allocated for subsequent correction by the authors failed expression and stylistic errors etc.);
  • A negative review of the observations and conclusion not appropriate publications submitted version of the article;
  • The positive review , indicating the advisability of taking the work to be published as submitted;
  • Notice that all the above comments on the edited text of the article and the article removed accepted for publication.

As a general rule reviewers works remain unknown to the author (s ) . This is to ensure that between the reviewers and the authors there is no dispute about whether the publication and the compositions of the comments made . However, at the initiative of the reviewers received editorship review may be sent to the authors of the articles and the indication of their names.
The names and locations of the reviewers for the publication of articles in the journal are reproduced not.
Terms of the submitted articles in the editorial - no more than one month for the original material received , and not more than two weeks for materials received after making the authorship of the modifications / additions on the comments of the editorial board ( reviewers) . These terms are considered as limiting , the editors will seek to minimize them.

The main criteria for articles under consideration in the wording of the desirability of publication in the journal :
  • Whether the content of the article the authors stated theme;
  • Whether the article modern scientific theory and practical advances in the relevant field of science;
  • Whether the article explicitly stated goal of the findings;
  • How fully and correctly describes the method of investigation;
  • Whether the readers of the article to which it is addressed potential - in terms of writing style , arrangement of the material , given the visibility of tables, charts , drawings, formulas, etc.;
  • How well the content of the article is in relation to its name;
  • Is it appropriate to publish an article with the previously published work on the subject , including works published by the authors (ie, how new is the material presented in the article).

Dates of publication of materials are determined by the following factors: the relevance and importance of the scientific work , the size of articles , number of articles that are in the editorial portfolio and have received a positive decision regarding publication. As a general rule, the publication made in order of receipt of articles to the editor. However, in justified cases, the editorial board may decide to extraordinary publishing.