Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Modern geological exogenous processes in the north-eastern part of the Azov and Kuban plain

2015. №2, pp. 26-35

Neapolitanskaya Yelena N. - Post-graduate student, Kuban State University, 149 Stavropolskaya st., Krasnodar, 350040, Russian Federation,

In this article current exogenous geomorphological processes at the northeastern part of the Azov and Kuban plain had been reviewed. Main features of modern relief in the area are described. Great attention is paid to the conditions and factors of erosion and accumulation, subsidence, gravitational and eolian processes. As we think, the major features of the geological and tectonic structure, climate, hydrological and hydrogeological characteristics, as well as due attention paid to human activities as one of the factors of modern relief. Allocated and describes main features of the propagation of different genetic types of relief the study area. Results of the work are presented in the maps based on the decryption of satellite imagery and data analysis of published and special non- published sources of information. The article also reveals the problems of the current state of knowledge of exogenous relief Azov and Kuban plain. A brief review of existing information regarding research of this area. The authors emphasize that the majority of modern scientific research in this field are practical target. At the same time, over the last decade on the territory of the Azov and Kuban plains essential anthropogenic transformations of relief, this had a great impact on the natural processes of relief formation. Therefore, for the further successful economic development and the prevention of dangerous processes requires a systematic approach to the study of exogenous geomorphological processes at studied area. In conclusion, the authors provide recommendations for monitoring and integrated geological and geomorphological assessment area, as well as the preparation of a new type of geological maps - ecological and geological conditions.

Key words: рельефообразование, распространение, пораженность, измененность, эрозионно-аккумулятивные процессы, просадочные процессы, эоловые процессы, антропогенные изменения рельефа, эколого-геологические условия, relief distribution, prevalence, changes, erosion a
