Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Ways reduction of technogenic impact on the environment in the development of deposits complex composition

2014. №3, pp. 201-204

Sharova Oksana A. - Post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

The fields with complex composition reservoir of raw materials is a complicated process and determines the specificity of the composition and formation of solid, liquid and gaseous waste products of various classes of danger. To ensure the environmental safety of the process of development of hydrocarbon needed new approaches to conducting drilling and research and the introduction of new, effective environmental technologies to minimize the negative impact of oil and gas facilities on the environment. According to the requirements of the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", an important environmental aspect is conducting certification of oil and gas waste essence of which is the design of the passport for each type of waste, which reflects all of its properties, composition, and hazard class. This information is necessary to address the recycling or disposal of waste disposal. Ultimately, passport waste should be the basis for all decisions regarding this waste, starting with the calculation of payments for its accumulation and elimination to determine its market value and processing technology.

Key words: окружающая среда, техногенная нагрузка, разработка месторождений, пластовый флюид, нефтешламы, отходы, утилизация, обезвреживание отходов, environment, anthropogenic impact, field development, reservoir fluid, oil sludge, waste, recycling, disposal
