Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Development of systems for destruction of asphaltic resinous paraffine sediments in sheeted conditions on sea oil-extracting platforms

2014. №3, pp. 147-150

Mamitov Daniyar S. - Student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

Shishkin Nikolay D. - D.Sc. in Technical Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

Use of microorganisms for cleaning of a surrounding medium is not new, but insufficiently studied area of researches in which the Soviet scientists were engaged. In this article the system for destruction asfalto-resinous and paraffin deposits in sheeted conditions on sea oil-extracting platforms by means of anaerobic bacteria is considered. The maintenance of ASPO on fields of the Northern Caspian Sea is defined. Installation for synthesis and further adaptation of the anaerobic bacteria, capable to turn biomass into biogas is offered. Biogas formed owing to decomposition of a paraffin substratum by them, will increase pressure in an extracting well that will lead to increase of an output of wells. The scheme of laboratory biogas installation which is developed now at naphtha and ASTU gas Institute is provided. The temperature analysis on time is carried out, and value of a heat flux is certain.

Key words: асфальто-смолистые парафиновые образования, АСПО, внутрискважинная депарафинизация, анаэробные биобактерии, биогаз, термофильные бактерии, парафиновый субстрат, asphaltic resinous paraffine sediments, ARPS, intra well dewaxing, anaerobic biobacteria, biog
