Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Some results obtained correlation between the Astrakhan tetrad horizon group raised

2014. №3, pp. 117-120

Konnov Dmitriy A. - Assistant, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

A number of issues remained unresolved in the Astrakhan area uplifts, one of which is the formation of structures and filling traps hydrocarbons. Analysis of the results of structural constructions made by seismic data showed that most of the identified structures that are manifested on the roof of the Upper Cretaceous, finds its reflection in the underlying - Jurassic. As a result of the calculations were evaluated statistical coefficients, indicating the reliability of the identified relationships. Thus, the results suggest after Mesozoic era (i.e. Cenozoic) time of emplacement structures. These results are consistent with the study of faulting, complicating the structure of the Astrakhan group rises. Cause manifestations of shallow folding in the sedimentary cover could serve intraplate stress. Most intense they were in Cenozoic due orogenic processes in the Caucasus.

Key words: Астраханская группа поднятий, корреляция, регрессия, ороген, мезозой, линеамент, отражающий горизонт, структура, отложения, Astrakhan group uplifts, correlation, regression, Orogen, Mesozoic, lineament, reflecting horizon, structure, deposits
