Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Composition of oil and gas fields in the North Caspian sea

2013. №1, pp. 32-38

Karasaeva Alfinur R. - Post-graduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishcev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414025,

Serebryakov Andrey O. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414056,

Fomenko Yelena V. - Associate Professor, Krasnodar Social and Economic Institute, 4 Kamvolnaya st., Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 350000,

Serebryakovа Oksana А. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414056,

The article discusses the composition of hydrocarbon deposits (oil and gas) in the northern part of the Caspian Sea, basing its results on geochemical studies conducted in the coastal part of the sea (to the west of the Eastern Caucasus deposits and deposits from East Mangyshlak, Kazakhstan), and on those from adjacent regions. It adds that oil from the Caspian Sea has a similar composition to that derived from fields in the western and eastern coastal areas. These include the Tengiz fields and Khvalynskoye fields, in Mangyshlak, and the East Ciscaucasian fields. At this stage, the critique notes that recent studies on lithogenetic sediment geochemistry and hydrocarbon fields in the Russian Caspian Sea have enabled the prediction, from a lithogenetic perspective, of petroleum–bearing sediments. They have also allowed the distribution patterns of hydrocarbon deposits to be refined for other deposits in lateral regions and their geological sections. The paper relates that geochemical studies on lithogenetic rock types, including those affected by geothermal and geochemical factors, have confirmed that the main production deposits in the Caspian Sea region are found in deeper Paleozoic sediments. By contrast, oil and gas deposits in Mesozoic sediments already have undergone geochemical transformation (much more pronounced than that of similar agents in surrounding rocks). The blueprint states, in conclusion, that organic matter (hydrocarbons) can be found in both Mesozoic deposits and Paleozoic sediments.

Key words: hydrocarbon (oil and gas) composition,distribution,deposit,geochemistry,hydrogen-sulfide,water intake
