Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Variants of anthropogenic mapping activity appearing within ecogeographical maps

2012. №4, pp. 187-192

Petrova Irina F. - C.Sc. in Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, 29 Staromonetniy per., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119017,

The article relates that anthropogenic activity is having an impact on ecological and geographical maps. It adds that there are basically four types of anthropogenic activity: human impacts, anthropogenic pressures, human disturbances and anthropogenic disturbances. Maps and atlases demonstrate the effect of human impact on nature as well as the subsequent natural response. One example, the manual entitled ’Integrated Ecological Mapping,’ deals with the mass appearance of these factors. The manual draws its expert conclusions on anthropogenic activity from a series of sources including theoretical and methodological principles of construction, the availability of building materials, and experts from other fields of knowledge. Other maps and sources reflecting the anthropogenic transformation of the natural landscape at different levels include the ’Engineering and Geodetic Survey for Construction’ (SP 11-104-97). ’Instruction on the Composition, Development and Coordination of the Section’ (TSN 11-302-97) in the planning documentation of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and ’Guidelines for the Preparation of Estimates and Forecast Maps’ (STO Gazprom 2-1.19-211-2008), the OAO Gazprom publication on environmental protection. A number of other guidelines and literary sources specify approaches to covering such factors. The blueprint notes the complexity and diversity of human activities and expresses the consequences in a variety of cartographic displays. The research paper also covers geo-systems, indicators that reflect ground cover and are also sensitive to external influences. It suggests they could be employed to help determine the degree of the aforementioned disturbances.

Key words: anthropogenic impact,anthropogenic pressure,anthropogenic disturbance,anthropogenic changes,eco-geographical maps
