Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Geological Features of the Development of OilSoutheast

2012. №4, pp. 19-28

Serebryakov Andrey O. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414000,

Serebryakovа Oksana А. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, Russian Federation, 414000,

The article relates that the southeastern coastal area of the Caspian Sea comprises the Balkhan and Chikishlyar-Okaremskoy oil and gas fields, as well as other oil and gas fields belonging to Turkmenistan. Said zones extend to the west and go under the waters of the Caspian Sea. The research paper notes that seismic surveys in recent years, as well as marine geological and geophysical studies, have established a direct continuation of the oil zones. The main folding line, known as the Central Balkhan, runs to the Apsheron Peninsula. The second folding line, Kyzyl-Kum–Kum-Dag, is traced to the west of the first folding structure. Another oil and gas-bearing area, the Ogurchinsky Geomorphological Balkan zone, is located on a low plain alongside the West Turkmen Basin. It is folded on the surface of the modern and ancient Quaternary sediments. The flat topography of the disturbed individual sections is found at lower structural elevations than the central portion of local elevations (such as Cheleken Nebitdag, Monzhukly and Kum-Dag). Subsequently, the document lists the petroleum oil deposit sites within the Balkan zones, noting that they are directly related to the change in grittiness from west to east. The oil fields include Cheleken Koturtepe, Barsakelmes, Nebitdag and Kum-Dag, while the condensate field, Kyzyl-Kum, is confined to local brachyanticlinal elevations. Cheleken oil (in the West and the Dagadzhiksky area) is found on top of red-colored methane-type strata; its density at both sites decreases with depth. In the West, red Cheleken field has a density of 0,86 g/cm3 at the top, 0,84 g/cm3 in the middle and 0,82 g/cm3 at the bottom. Oil on the upper horizon is also characterized by its high content of naphthenic hydrocarbons, tar and paraffin. Meanwhile, the western Koturtepe oil field is low-sulfur and waxy in nature, with a relatively high content of tar and light fractions. The latter refer to oil and naphthene (cyclo-alkane)-methane types.

Key words: oil,gas,condensate,field
