Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2019. №4, pp. 246-260

Olyansky Yuri I. - D. Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Volgograd State Technical University, 1 Akademicheskaya St., Volgograd, 400074, Russian Federation,

Kuznetsova Svetlana I. - D. Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Volgograd State Technical University, 1 Akademicheskaya St., Volgograd, 400074, Russian Federation,

Shchekochikhina Evgenia V. - Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Technical University, 1 Akademicheskaya St., Volgograd, 400074, Russian Federation,

Serebryakov Oleg I. - D. Sc. in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Intensive industrial and economic development of territories composed of structurally unstable rocks is inevitably accompanied by an increase in moisture content of rocks, as a result of which the existing balance between incoming and outgoing items of the water balance of groundwater is disturbed, their rise begins. This entails the occurrence of such adverse geological phenomena as flooding, subsidence, swelling, activation of ancient landslides and the formation of new ones. Buildings and structures undergo deformation, there is a violation of the continuity of building structures, basements and underground are filled with groundwater. Living conditions of the population deteriorate significantly due to the emergence of a number of sanitary-hygienic and biomedical factors that have a negative impact on human health. The features of changes in the geological environment represented by loess and clay rocks in two regions: the Republic of Moldova and the Volgograd region, characterized by similar geological conditions, intensively developed at the end of the last and the beginning of this century, are analyzed. Changes in the composition and properties of rocks under prolonged exposure to water were studied. 3 types of territories on intensity of manifestation of factors for the living population are allocated and zoning of the territory on consequences of manifestation of changes of properties of breeds is given.

Key words: просадочные породы, набухающие породы, подтопление, диффузионное выщелачивание, послепросадочное уплотнение, Subsidence rocks, swelling rocks, flooding, diffusion leaching, post-subsidence compaction
