Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2019. №4, pp. 183-190

Popova Valentina V. - Senior Lecturer, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, 1 Institskaya Sq., Omsk, 644008, Russian Federation,

Trotsenko Irina A. - Ph. D. in Рђgriculture, Рђssociate Professor, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, 1 Institskaya Sq., Omsk, 644008, Russian Federation,

Kolesnichenko Sergey S. - undergraduate, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, 1 Institskaya Sq., Omsk, 644008, Russian Federation,

Protection from negative processes of flooding the territory is one of the most important elements of urban improvement. The main objective of the research is to develop a set of engineering and organizational measures aimed at protecting the city of Kupino, Novosibirsk Region, from flooding. Analysis of the unfavorable environmental situation shows that the causes of surface runoff disturbance and flooding of the territory are changes in the natural landscape. Also, flooding occurs in the absence of a vertical layout and stormwater drainage. As a result of direct flooding by surface waters, the foundations of buildings and structures are subject to destruction, which are destroyed and come into emergency condition. The territory of engineering protection partially includes the built-up part of the city of Kupino and amounts to 286 hectares. Surface and partly groundwater will be drained by gravity through the designed transporting 18 channels of the sewage system. The network is about 7.0 km long. Water will flow into the pumping station further through the pressure pipeline to lake Voinskoue. The estimated maximum consumption were determined in accordance with SP 33-101-2003. The costs of measures to protect against harmful effects must be compared with the damage they prevent to determine the cost effectiveness. When carrying out these works, the cost of building a drainage system will be 2.5 times less than the prevented damage.

Key words: инженерная защита от подтопления, поверхностный сток, затопление застроенной территории, система осушения территории, engineering protection against flooding, surface runoff, flooding of the built-up territory, territory drainage system
