Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal


2019. №2, pp. 40-47

Fedorova Nadezhda F. - Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University,

The sedimentary cover of Caspian Depression includes the wide stratigraphic y range of sedimentary rocks and the favorable paleomode of a long and steady progibaniye. I.M. Gubkin when studying numerous geological factors allocated as defining - tectonics and paleotectonics. Regularities and conditions of sedimentation depend on the tectonic processes happening at this time. In work the relevance of application of new methods of studying of sedimentary deposits, in particular - paleogeomorphological. Research objective is scientific justification of prospects of oil-and-gas content and increase in the forecast of a Lower Carboniferous sedimentary complex of Caspian Depression taking into account influence of paleotectonic and paleogeomorphological factors. The methodology of the study is based on identifying the role of the paleotectonic method in determining the patterns and conditions of sedimentation of lower stony coal deposits in a given territory, occurring under a favorable combination of lithological-facies, geochemical, hydrogeological and thermobaric conditions. Researches of regularities and conditions of sedimentation within Astrakhan Anticline are conducted. It is established that during the whole Paleozoic time, the geotectonic mode represented repeated alternation of the movements various according to the sign. Also it was revealed that numerous transgressions and regressions changed sedimentation conditions. On the territory there was a frequent relocation of coastlines, there were breaks and disagreements within island zones. As a result of the carried-out works it was established that the modern structural plan of Paleozoic deposits inherited a relief of a surface of the base. When studying the matter materials of three-dimensional seismic exploration 3D OGT-64 and vulgar seismic exploration 2D and also core and slurry materials were used according to drilling of parametrical wells. The paleogeomorphological of prerequisites of sedimentation in the Lower Carboniferous deposits taking into account their regional features of development regularities of their geological development allow to reveal studying at the scientific level and to reveal territories for more detailed studying.

Key words: Прикаспийская впадина, Астраханский свод, палеотектоника, палеогеоморфология, осадконакопление, нижнекаменноугольные отложения, Caspian Depression, Astrakhan Anticline, paleotektonik, paleogeomorfologiya, sedimentation, nizhnekamennougolny deposits
