Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Space-timporary changes of meteorological and hydrochemical parameters in the Bezengi corge

2018. №4, pp. 166-177

Gazaev H.-M. M. - Director, Kabardino-Balkarian State High-Mountain, 78 Mechiev st., Kashkhatau settlement, Cherekskiy district, 361800, Russian Federation

Agoyeva E.A. - Researcher, Kabardino-Balkarian State High-Mountain, 78 Mechiev st., Kashkhatau settlement, Cherekskiy district, 361800, Russian Federation

Bozieva Zh.Ch. - Leading Researcher, Kabardino-Balkarian State High-Mountain, 78 Mechiev st., Kashkhatau settlement, Cherekskiy district, 361800, Russian Federation

Ittiev A.B. - C.Sc. in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after. V.M. Kokov, 1b Lenin st., Nalchik, 360030, Russian Federation

The climate of the reserve is located on the very border of the temperate and subtropical belts, which gives it softness and warmth. The objects of our research are the high-mountainous part of the Bezengi Gorge, where at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level. a meteorological station has been installed, according to which the seasonal distributions of meteorological (surface air temperature and wind direction) parameters have been determined. Hydrochemical studies were conducted on a high-mountain river of glacial feeding - Cherek-Bezengiysky. It is determined that according to the ecological classes of surface water quality of the land, by the amount of mineralization the investigated waters are classified as clean and very clean. In the course of research, the relationship between meteorological and hydrological parameters was revealed. So the increase in the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere affects the flow of water in the river, increasing or decreasing it at different times of the year. This fact, in turn, affects the amount of mineralization: increasing in the winter period - when the water level decreases and the river switches to underground feeding and, decreasing in the summer period - when the water level in the river increases and dilutes the watercourse. In the course of the conducted studies it was determined: the climate in the Bezengi gorge is characterized as continental; a slight decrease in the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere in 2013 is associated with an increase in the influence of C, CERs, and SV wind directions; the change in the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere and the direction of the wind are interrelated and affect the amount of mineralization: increasing in winter and decreasing in summer periods; the climate of the region is formed under the influence of seasonal circulation of air masses, while for its formation the dominant direction of the wind in one or another period of time is of decisive importance. The change in wind direction determines one or another atmospheric front and climatic features of the seasons of the year as a whole.

Key words: Безенгийское ущелье, величина минерализации, климат, направление ветра приземная температура воздуха, река Черек-Безенгийский, Bezengiyskoe gorge, the magnitude of mineralization, climate, wind direction surface air temperature, the Cherek-Bezengiyskiy Ri
