Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Historical and geomorphological analysis of the forming and research of the anthropogenic relief

2018. №4, pp. 40-48

Dyachenko N.P. - C.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, 27 V.I. Lenin av., Volgograd, 400066, Russian Federation,

Dedova I.S. - C.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, 27 V.I. Lenin av., Volgograd, 400066, Russian Federation,

Golikova Yu.A. - C.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, 27 V.I. Lenin av., Volgograd, 400066, Russian Federation,

The studying of the anthropogenic relief formation is one of the primary aim of the modern geomorphology, whereas the transformed and newly created anthropogenic forms can be a cause of negative geoecological consequences in the case of irrational management, provoking the development or acceleration of water erosion, deflation, landslide forming in the conditions of the dry steppe territory of the Volgograd region. The article presents a retrospective analysis of the formation and investigation of technogenic processes within the Volgograd region. The space-time approach is used for determination the stages of anthropogenic transformation of the territory. The article describes the location, morphological, morphometric characteristics and development dynamic of the complex man-made forms of agricultural, urban, hydraulic, linear transport and mining terrain, which were created during early ancient, agricultural, belligerent, technical and modern stages.

Key words: антропогенное рельефообразование, антропоморфогенез, антропогенные воздействия, историко-геоморфологический анализ, беллигеративный рельеф, техногенный рельеф, гидротехнический рельеф, аграрный рельеф, горнотехнический рельеф, эрозия, дефляция, оползнеобр
