Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Use of remote sensed hypersectral data for land degradation assessment of North Caspian Sea region

2018. №1, pp. 95-102

Shabanov Dmitriy I. - C.Sc. in Geography, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

The article describes some approaches to the use of hyperspectral information obtained by remote sensing methods of the Earth to assess the processes of desertification and land degradation. The work was performed using EO-1 Hyperion sensor scene in the Astrakhan gas condensate field area. A set of narrowband vegetation indices were calculated and combined into a single image. The resulting composite image allows to distinguish the gradations of the vegetation health and assess the territorial structure of the land cover, and to identify areas with a lack of vegetation (including degraded and deserted ones). On the territory where the Enhanced Vegetation Index had the "bad" values unsupevised classification allowed to identify 4 more grades of land degradation.

Key words: дистанционное зондирование, опустынивание, гиперспектральные данные, деградация ландшафтов, анализ вегетации, Северный Прикаспий, EO-1 Hyperion, индексы вегетации, классификация, EO-1 Hyperion, land degradation, remote sensing, desertification, hyperspect
