Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Implementation of landscape-and-watershed approach for potential forest biodiversity assesment by means of geoinformation methods

2017. №1, pp. 75-88

Kolbovsky Ye.Yu. - D.Sc. in Geography, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State Universiyty, 1 Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation,

Yesipova Ye.S. - Senior researcher, Non-Profit Partnership "Transparent World", 5/22 Rossolimo st., Moscow, 119021, Russian Federation,

The article deals with the experience of modeling morpholithogenic basics of landscapes (so called В«geotopesВ» - sites) and elementary watershed by means of geographic information systems. The ultimate goal of modeling is to identify potential areas of valuable forests within the poorly-studied of Russian Far East territories. The basic stages of simulation procedure are: delianation of regions with a monotonous manifestation of the landscape generating factors, plotting raster image for the main factors of landscape differentiation such as - level above the nearest watercourse, slope, aspect, slope position, topographical index. Principles of morphological and functional combination of two natural matrices - matrix landscape locations and the matrix of elementary catchments are denoted. The article provides a brief theoretical justification of the proposed algorithm and describes the basic stages of modeling, questions for discussion and perspectives for further optimization as well.

Key words: бассейны, геотопы, грид высот, ландшафт, ландшафтные местоположения, переклассификация, комбинирование, оценка разнообразия, basins, geotope, elevation grid, landscape, landscape sites, reclassification, combination, variety assessment
