Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Features of prospecting, exploratiion and development of the Northern Caspian Sea

2017. №1, pp. 7-13

Serebryakova V.I. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Reservoir pressures of productive deposits of hydrocarbons are the main geological and technical parameter influencing technology of exploration and operational works, technology of development of fields. Assessment of adequacy of project decisions to specific mining-and-geological conditions is the most important task of the geological field analysis of process of development of fields. Estimates of an energy condition of deposits, dynamics of change of water content of the got fluids are for this purpose carried out; efficiency of increase in productivity of wells and increase in oil recovery of layers. Now the technique of maintaining the analysis of development of fields of the Northern Caspian Sea in connection with the new technical and technological level at which investigation, development drilling and geological and technological researches were carried out is of special interest. The acquired research techniques don't allow to make rather precisely necessary calculations therefore correction of many parameters and reasons for optimum criteria of their choice is required. In this respect the mathematical model of calculation of dynamic reservoir pressure for creation of cards of the isobars applied in the analysis of development of fields on the shelf of the Northern Caspian Sea is methodologically new, and the results received by means of it well will be approved with data of hydrodynamic researches. This work type in case of development of fields is the major for the analysis of an energy condition of deposits of hydrocarbons. The main problem of a research is refining of mathematical model of work of operational wells of fields of the Northern Caspian Sea taking into account calculated values of the reservoir pressures which are approved with data KVD and as close as possible to real sheeted termobarichesky conditions.

Key words: пластовое давление, нефтеотдача, пласт, Северный Каспий, шельф, флюид, залежь, reservoir pressure, oil recovery, layer, Northern Caspian Sea, shelf, fluid, deposit
