Geology, geography and global energy

Scientific and Technical Journal

Geochemical properties of gases and condensates of the Astrakhan gas-condensate field

2016. №2, pp. 56-61

Serebryakova Valentina I. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State Architectural and Construction University, 18 Tatishchev st., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation,

Outlined composition and geochemical properties of natural gases at reservoir conditions of the Astrakhan gas condensate field. Investigated physical parameters and the composition of the layer systems. Given the group hydrocarbon composition of stable condensate. Selected toxic elements in the composition of the gas. In the distribution of the components of the layer systems observed vertical and lateral zoning of their properties and composition. Geochemical records confirm that the formation processes of the productive reservoir gas condensate field is not yet completed to date. Geochemical characteristics of natural gases of the Astrakhan giant submerged palowoda allow to conclude that its post-salt and pre-salt deposits are not isolated objects, but genetically uniform system of bedded deposits in which the hydrocarbons was determined in accordance with geochemical, temperature and pressure, chronographcertina and diffusion factors.

Key words: газ, конденсат, геохимия, свойства, состав, формирование, миграция, диффузия, gas, condensate, geochemistry, properties, composition, formation, migration, diffusion
